Tariq Syed
Founder, the Good Neighbour Project
Because he arranged help for seniors in need
Tariq Syed, a business analyst, was out stocking up on essentials when he noticed a number of senior citizens shopping alone, struggling with mobility, and unable to find key provisions. Two days later, he started the Good Neighbour Project, which connects available, able-bodied individuals with people in need. The way it works is simple: someone posts a callout looking for a volunteer to run an errand or make a delivery; group members who are willing to take on the task sign up in the comments; and presto: community-organized assistance for people in need. Cont.....
Episode 17: Kevin Frankish Show
MY Voice Connecting the World
Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath
CP24 Toronto LIVE
Episode 38: Kevin Frankish Show
April 6 , 2020
'Not leaving anyone behind': Volunteers deliver essentials to vulnerable during COVID-19
“I noticed the struggle the seniors were having in different aisles, trying to get their necessities, while everyone is panicking
Lyndsay Morrison
April 16, 2020
LEVY: Good Neighbours helping seniors during COVID-19 crisis
“All of us, at some time or other, need help. Whether we’re giving or receiving help, each one of us has something valuable to bring to this world. That’s one of the things that connects us as neighbours. "
Sue Ann Levy